Kuidas teada saada, kas keegi blokeeris teid TikTokis


Kuidas teada saada, kas keegi blokeeris teid TikTokis
Kuidas teada saada, kas keegi blokeeris teid TikTokis

Video: Kuidas teada saada, kas keegi blokeeris teid TikTokis

Video: Kuidas teada saada, kas keegi blokeeris teid TikTokis
Video: Что произойдет, если вы не едите 5 дней? 2024, Aprill

See wikiHow õpetab teile, kuidas teada saada, kas keegi on teid TikTokis blokeerinud.


Meetod 1 /3: oma järgneva loendi kontrollimine

Tea, kas keegi blokeeris teid Tik Tokis
Tea, kas keegi blokeeris teid Tik Tokis

Samm 1. Avage TikTok

See on rakendus, mille sees on noot. Tavaliselt leiate selle avaekraanilt või rakenduste sahtlist (kui teil on Android).

Tea, kas keegi blokeeris teid Tik Tokis 2. toimingus
Tea, kas keegi blokeeris teid Tik Tokis 2. toimingus

Samm 2. Puudutage profiiliikooni

See on inimese ülevaade ekraani paremas alanurgas.

Tea, kas keegi blokeeris teid Tik Tokis
Tea, kas keegi blokeeris teid Tik Tokis

Samm 3. Puudutage nuppu Jälgitav

See kuvab loendi inimestest, keda jälgite.

Tea, kas keegi blokeeris teid Tik Tokis 4. toimingus
Tea, kas keegi blokeeris teid Tik Tokis 4. toimingus

Samm 4. Otsige üles kasutaja, kes teie arvates on teid blokeerinud

Kui jälgisite seda kasutajat ja ta on teid blokeerinud, kaovad nad teie loendist Jälgitavad.

Meetod 2/3: sõnumite ja kommentaaride kontrollimine

Tea, kas keegi blokeeris teid Tik Tokis 5. toimingus
Tea, kas keegi blokeeris teid Tik Tokis 5. toimingus

Samm 1. Avage TikTok

See on rakendus, mille sees on noot. Tavaliselt leiate selle avaekraanilt või rakenduste sahtlist (kui teil on Android).

Tea, kas keegi blokeeris teid Tik Tokis 6. toimingus
Tea, kas keegi blokeeris teid Tik Tokis 6. toimingus

Samm 2. Puudutage märguannete ikooni

See on ruudukujuline kõnemull ekraani allosas.

Tea, kas keegi blokeeris teid Tik Tokis, samm 7
Tea, kas keegi blokeeris teid Tik Tokis, samm 7

Samm 3. Puudutage kommentaari või mainimist, mille tegite selle kasutaja video kohta

Samuti võite puudutada mis tahes märgendeid, mille nad oma postitustele lisasid. Kui te ei saa videot vaadata, on tõenäoline, et olete blokeeritud. Proovige inimest järgida, et seda kindlasti teada saada.

3. meetod 3 -st: proovige neid järgida

Tea, kas keegi blokeeris teid Tik Tokis
Tea, kas keegi blokeeris teid Tik Tokis

Samm 1. Avage TikTok

See on rakendus, mille sees on noot. Tavaliselt leiate selle avaekraanilt või rakenduste sahtlist (kui teil on Android).

Tea, kas keegi blokeeris teid Tik Toki toimingus 9
Tea, kas keegi blokeeris teid Tik Toki toimingus 9

Samm 2. Avage avastamisleht

Sellel on maakera või suurendusklaasi ikoon.

Tea, kas keegi blokeeris teid Tik Tokis
Tea, kas keegi blokeeris teid Tik Tokis

Samm 3. Sisestage inimese kasutajanimi ja puudutage otsinguklahvi

Ilmub tulemuste loend.

Tea, kas keegi blokeeris teid Tik Tokis 11. sammus
Tea, kas keegi blokeeris teid Tik Tokis 11. sammus

Samm 4. Puudutage inimese kasutajanime

Kui olete blokeeritud, peidab tema konto oma biograafia ja videod ning näete teadet „Te ei saa selle inimese videoid vaadata tema kasutaja privaatsusseadete tõttu”. See ei pruugi aga tähendada, et olete blokeeritud, kuid mõned kontod on kõigile, välja arvatud mõnele inimesele, peidetud.

Tea, kas keegi blokeeris teid Tik Tokis. 12. samm
Tea, kas keegi blokeeris teid Tik Tokis. 12. samm

Samm 5. Puudutage nuppu Jälgi

Kui teil on võimalik seda inimest jälgida (või saate taotleda jälgimist), pole teid blokeeritud. Kui näete teadet „Teie kasutaja privaatsusseadete tõttu ei saa te seda kontot jälgida”, on see kasutaja tõenäoliselt teid blokeerinud.

Kogukonna küsimused ja vastused

Otsi Lisa uus küsimus

  • Küsimus Kuidas tühistada video saatmine, mille olen juba TikTokis inimesele saatnud?


    Aasimi kogukonna vastus Videote saatmist ei saa tühistada, kuid saate need oma seadmest kustutada, puudutades ja hoides all vestlust ning seejärel valides"

  • Küsimus Kui kasutaja on mind blokeerinud, miks saan teate laadimise ebaõnnestumise?


    aasim community answer if you try to watch a blocked user's video, the video will not load. also, you will not be able to view their profile or likes. thanks! yes no not helpful 3 helpful 7

  • question i don’t have an account on tiktok but my son does. when i click on his profile, it goes to a different account. did he block me?

    community answer
    community answer

    community answer no. that sounds more like it is a glitch/error within the website. you aren't logged in, so it might have something to do with that. you can't block someone unless they have an account. is his account private? if it is private, then nobody is able to view it unless they are approved and logged in. thanks! yes no not helpful 1 helpful 2

  • question my new bff blocked me. i was at her house and she showed me her blocked list and i wasn’t in there. what does this mean?

    community answer
    community answer

    community answer why would your friend block you? if someone blocks you on purpose, that means they're not your friend. did your friend unblock you after the last time you checked her profile? maybe she blocked you by accident and realized her mistake. if she denies blocking you, it might be a glitch within the site, but that's very unlikely. thanks! yes no not helpful 2 helpful 3

  • question why do my comments show up only on my device and other people, including the creator, can’t see my comment on their video?

    community answer
    community answer

    community answer that means your account is shadow-banned, which means it's secretly blocked across the whole site. users who are shadow-banned can still post comments and videos, but they only show up for the user who posted the content. the reason why an account is shadow banned is usually because they posted offensive/hateful comments. if you didn't post anything inappropriate or offensive, it might have been a false positive. you can contact tiktok for help. thanks! yes no not helpful 1 helpful 3

  • question someone blocked my account. how do i add another account on tiktok to bypass the block?

    community answer
    community answer

    community answer block evading is against tiktok's policy, especially if it's used to harass or bully someone. but if you still want to do it, you would create another account the same way as any other site. if you have a second phone number or email address, you can create another account. you can also connect via facebook or google. just make sure that you don't give away your identity, or else they could block you again or even report you. thanks! yes no not helpful 2 helpful 2

  • question my tiktok account automatically logs out when i want to follow someone. is that because i'm blocked by the user?

    community answer
    community answer

    community answer most likely not. it sounds like it is a glitch within the website. your account shouldn't log out when trying to follow a blocked user. instead, it would say you cannot follow the user. thanks! yes no not helpful 1 helpful 2

  • question will someone know i have looked at their account if i’m not friends with them?

    community answer
    community answer

    community answer yes. if you don't want certain people seeing your content, then make your profile private. thanks! yes no not helpful 2 helpful 2

  • question how can i tell if i’ve been blocked from viewing a live video on tiktok?

    community answer
    community answer

    community answer it will say the video cannot load or is unavailable, and that comments are disabled. you cannot view any video posted by a blocked user. thanks! yes no not helpful 1 helpful 2

  • question my sister blocked me but i saw in my cousin's tablet that she follows my cousin and everything is like normal. but when i try to check out her content, it does not let me. am i blocked?

    community answer
    community answer

    community answer yes. if a user blocks you, that means you can't view their content, but other users can, unless they're blocked too. thanks! yes no not helpful 1 helpful 2

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